Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Walling Creativity

When most people consider their various walling options (solid, cafĂ©, cathedral, and mesh), they typically don't realize how much flexibility there can be.  You can choose to completely enclose the tent, have walling on only two sides, or just pick and choose sections that you want to have walled.  In the picture below, this beautiful wedding tent only had about half of a side enclosed, centered behind the dance floor and DJ area.  Having the walls (cathedral, in this case) by the dance floor focuses attention to that area of the tent.  So, even if it's a warm summer night, a touch of walling can be a great addition to the tent!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

B.C. Tent @ The Fisher House

The Fisher House™ in Boston, the newest addition to the national Fisher House family, recently had its grand opening at the VA hospital. B.C. Tent was proud to provide several large tents and seating for the event, and was even featured on Chanel 7 local news (unfortunately, we couldn't find a direct link to the video). The Fisher House, for those of you who aren't familiar with it, is a national foundation that provides a "home away from home" for families of patients receiving medical care at major VA medical centers. The homes are professionally decorated and styled specifically to their region, and feature libraries, playrooms for children, and other amenities.

If you'd like to support the Fisher House foundation, you can do so through their website